Karthi Pillay serves on the Advisory Boards of SCEF II and SCEF III.


Karthi was the Deputy Principal Officer at the Telkom Retirement Fund since December 2019, as well as the Deputy Information Officer since 2021. Karthi also served as a Member of the SAPFIF Advisory Board since his appointment in 2021 and on various other advisory boards of investment funds on behalf of the Telkom Retirement Fund. Karthi is also a co-founder and office bearer of the Transformation Action Forum. Karthi is an established and well respected professional in the pension fund industry in Southern Africa, with particular expertise in the new frontier practice of responsible investing and corporate governance.

In addition to the above, he has served as the Former first Deputy President of the Communication Workers Union (1996-2010) as well as represented CWU/COSATU at Nedlac with a focus on the ICT Sector and dealt with the ICT Sector Job Summit and BEE Charters. He was also a member of the COSATU Trustee Forum, which dealt with Pension Fund Reform. Karthi also served as Deputy Chair of the Telkom Retirement Fund and Member of the Joint Investment Committee before his current position.